Rodent Pest Control
Services in London
We offer professional mice extermination and pest control across London and surrounding counties. As part of our service, we also provide mouse proofing with a one-year guarantee.
Keep your properties safe
from Rodent Pests
House mouse or Mice can enter a property by many routes and even some air bricks allow mice access to a building. Kitchens tend to be highly preferred area for mice to infest therefore is the most likely place that you will encounter the mice as they will be searching for food. Mice are a UK wide problem for most residences and businesses.
They are considered to be pests due to the fact that they are living creatures capable of transmitting deadly diseases like bubonic plague, leptospirosis, lymphocytic chorio-meningitis, rat-bite fever, salmonella, tapeworms and others. Mice can easily find their way into residential and commercial premises, and most likely to be prevalent in the areas where food is stored or near areas where rubbish is dumped. Their natural and constant gnawing habit means mice can also cause great damage to your property, furnishings and equipment.
We are specialists
Mice unlike rats are usually active at night time, most common sign of mice infestation are Black colored 3-7mm long droppings, usually scattered along the paths they pass through. Also they leave behind dark smudge marks that may appear on walls, skirting and other surfaces, onto which mice brush their bodies passing through.
- They nibble on doors, skirting, walls or other surfaces.
- Noises at night time of nibbling and scratching also indicates the presence of the mice.
- An unpleasant odour caused by mice urine is also an indication of mice infestation.
United Pest Control Ltd. London can do a full inspection and determine whether you have bedbugs or not. Call Us Today for a Free Quote.
Rodent Pest Control
United Pest Control Ltd. London is one of the best pest control service providers with over 8 years experience in providing successful pest eradication.
- Quick Response to all Customer
- 100% Success Rate
- Full Eradication of bedbugs
- No Residue Left Over
- Emergency Services also Available
- Safe & agency-approved methods
First Inspection
The first step in controlling mice is to inspect feeding areas and exclude mice by closing entry access points. Setting mouse traps or place mouse bait in the detected areas. Enclose the food in tight fitting containers. Kitchen floors, sinks and counter tops need to be kept clean. We will help you by arranging our experts to get the best inspection done all around the house specially door corners, kitchen, down of your furniture’s etc. It will prevent the infestation to get more and wide.
Pest control without harm
We will recommend the best course of action. We will treat your property with a pest control formula that has a prolonged residual effect so the place will be protected for an extended period of time to ensure mouse extermination.
Preparation prior to treatment will involve clearing the floor area of belongings, emptying under bed storage and stripping your bed sheets from all beds. After this, you must be out of the property for at least 3 hours. Once this time has elapsed, you may return to your home and live life as normal again.
We work 7 days a week from 9:30am – 01:30am
Need help with a Rodent Pest problem?
Second Inspection
We will come back periodically to inspect your home and help prevent an infestation. We will also collect and dispose of mouse carcasses if there are any at all. Our pest exterminator might even offer you some useful advice on how to prevent future mice infestation.
United Pest Control Ltd. London is one of the best pest control services provider. We are experts in Mice Removal. All our technicians have years of training and are fully qualified. For advice and appointments call United Pest Control Today. We work 7 days a week from 9:30am – 01:30am. Call us on 07537920240
Emergency service